
Our Mission and Values

Use each of these sections to highlight the mission and values of the team. How do these align with the business unit and how do they help the team be successful?

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Our Team

Gregory Corday

Associate Vice President

Use a 1×1 headshot for this space. You can move the image to be on the right side of the text by selecting a right alignment in the settings of the block.
This text should be a space to introduce yourself to the viewer and help them understand what you are passionate about and why you care about your project.

Jannice Hope

Associate Vice President

Use a 1×1 headshot for this space. You can move the image to be on the right side of the text by selecting a right alignment in the settings of the block.
This text should be a space to introduce yourself to the viewer and help them understand what you are passionate about and why you care about your project.

Marisa Bronish

Associate Vice President

Use a 1×1 headshot for this space. You can move the image to be on the right side of the text by selecting a right alignment in the settings of the block.
This text should be a space to introduce yourself to the viewer and help them understand what you are passionate about and why you care about your project.

Marc Lui

Associate Vice President

Use a 1×1 headshot for this space. You can move the image to be on the right side of the text by selecting a right alignment in the settings of the block.
This text should be a space to introduce yourself to the viewer and help them understand what you are passionate about and why you care about your project.