Student Work
Professional Writing
Writing is more important than ever, and today’s world offers an abundance of places and ways to engage with it. Journalism, multimedia, technical writing, grant writing, creative writing—and many related fields—are evolving. Writers can explore diverse avenues to contribute to societal conversations, craft vivid, memorable characters, or report meaningful stories. GCU supports professional writing majors as they develop their voice and hone their skills across multiple disciplines. The outstanding student work featured on this site showcases the flexibility and growing expertise of our writers.

Multimedia Features
Multimedia storytelling is the result of how a writer combines the best of several mediums – photography, video, audio, graphics and writing – into a unified narrative. These dynamic pieces display the skills students learn throughout the program in writing and media courses. Each story is as unique as its writer.
Journalism Features
Journalism skills are the foundation of all good storytelling. In fact, some of the most famous authors honed their talent by working as journalists. No matter what discipline a writer pursues, research, writing, interviewing and editing are the keystone skills imperative for excellent writing. Written by second and third year students, these noteworthy features cover distinct topics and issues.