Review of The Greatest Possible Being by Jeff Speaks

Review of The Greatest Possible Being by Jeff Speaks Speaks, Jeff. The Greatest Possible Being. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 175pp, $45. In The Greatest Possible Being, Jeff Speaks takes aim at critically analyzing the method of perfect being theology. Perfect being theology is a philosophical method for developing a specific doctrine of God. In…

Review of The Prince of this World by Adam Kotsko

Review of The Prince of this World by Adam Kotsko Kotsko, Adam. The Prince of This World. Stanford: California, Stanford University Press, 2017, pp. 240, $22.95, paperback. In this engaging study of the Devil, Adam Kotsko, assistant professor of humanities at Shimer College, offers a rigorous piece of political theology. Whilst making a trenchant contribution…

Review of The Christian Idea of God: A Philosophical Foundation for Faith by Keith Ward

Review of The Christian Idea of God: A Philosophical Foundation for Faith by Keith Ward Ward, Keith. The Christian Idea of God: A Philosophical Foundation for Faith. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp. 229, $32.99, paperback. Keith Ward, Regius Professor of Divinity (Oxford University) and Professor of Philosophy of Religion (University of London), launches…

Review of Light in a Dark Place: The Doctrine of Scripture by John S. Feinberg

Review of Light in a Dark Place: The Doctrine of Scripture by John S. Feinberg Feinberg, John S. Light in a Dark Place: The Doctrine of Scripture. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2018, pp. 799, $50, hardback. In Light in a Dark Place, John S. Feinberg (professor of biblical and systematic theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) offers…