Review of Say It!: Celebrating Expository Preaching in the African American Tradition edited by Eric C. Redmond Redmond, Eric C. ed. Say It!: Celebrating Expository Preaching in the African American Tradition. Chicago: Moody, 2020, 240 pages, $14.99, paperback. What does the Great Migration have to do with exposition? Much! The Black Church in the United…
Category: Book Reviews
Review of The Royal Priesthood and the Glory of God by David S. Schrock
Review of The Royal Priesthood and the Glory of God by David S. Schrock Schrock, David S. The Royal Priesthood and the Glory of God. Short Studies in Biblical Theology. Edited by Dane C. Ortlund and Miles V. Van Pelt. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2022, pp. 199, $14.99, paperback. David Schrock is the Pastor of Preaching…
Review of God’s Mediators: A Biblical Theology of Priesthood by Andrew S. Malone
Review of The Royal Priesthood and the Glory of God by David S. Schrock Andrew S. Malone. God’s Mediators: A Biblical Theology of Priesthood. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2017, pp. 230, $25.00, paperback. Andrew S. Malone serves as Lecturer in Biblical Studies and Dean of Ridley Online at Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia. In God’s Mediators,…
Review of Dating Acts in its Jewish and Greco-Roman Contexts by Karl L. Armstrong
Review of Dating Acts in its Jewish and Greco-Roman Contexts by Karl L. Armstrong Armstrong, Karl L. Dating Acts in its Jewish and Greco-Roman Contexts. LNTS 637. London: T&T Clark, 2021, pp. 229, $115.00, hardback. The emergent consensus that Acts was written post-70 CE but pre-90 CE is not much more than “political compromise” says…
Review of Calvin, the Bible, and History: Exegesis and Historical Reflection in the Era of Reform by Barbara Pitkin
Review of Calvin, the Bible, and History: Exegesis and Historical Reflection in the Era of Reform by Barbara Pitkin Pitkin, Barbara. Calvin, the Bible, and History: Exegesis and Historical Reflection in the Era of Reform. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2020, pp. xii + 250, £64.00, hardback. Barbara Pitkin is Senior Lecturer in Religious…
Review of Inscriptions from the World of the Bible: A Reader and Introduction to Old Northwest Semitic by Peter Bekins
Review of Inscriptions from the World of the Bible: A Reader and Introduction to Old Northwest Semitic by Peter Bekins Bekins, Peter. Inscriptions from the World of the Bible: A Reader and Introduction to Old Northwest Semitic. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Academic, 2020, pp 300, $79.95, hardback. If you know Biblical Hebrew, then you essentially know…
Review of The Story of Sacrifice: Ritual and Narrative in the Priestly Source by Liane M. Feldman
Review of The Story of Sacrifice: Ritual and Narrative in the Priestly Source by Liane M. Feldman Feldman, Liane M. The Story of Sacrifice: Ritual and Narrative in the Priestly Source. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020, pp. 245. 104€, hardback. Liane Feldman is Assistant Professor at New York University in the Skirball department of Hebrew and…
Review of The Path to Being a Pastor: A Guide for the Aspiring by Bobby Jamieson
Review of The Path to Being a Pastor: A Guide for the Aspiring by Bobby Jamieson Jamieson, Bobby. The Path to Being a Pastor: A Guide for the Aspiring. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2021, 185, $17.99, paperback. Bobby Jamieson is an Associate Pastor at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. Formerly, Jamieson was an assistant…
Review of Restless Devices: Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place in the Digital Age by Felicia Wu Song
Review of Restless Devices: Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place in the Digital Age by Felicia Wu Song Song, Felicia Wu. Restless Devices: Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place in the Digital Age. Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2021. pp. 216. How do we understand personal identity in a time where we do not simply go online, but…
Review of Inward Baptism: The Theological Origins of Evangelicalism by Baird Tipson
Review of Inward Baptism: The Theological Origins of Evangelicalism by Baird Tipson Tipson, Baird. Inward Baptism: The Theological Origins of Evangelicalism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020, hardcover, $79. It is safe to say that within the conservative Protestantism of the last hundred years, there has been no common understanding of the relation in which…