Review of Progressive Covenantalism: Charting a Course Between Dispensational and Covenant Theologies Wellum, Stephen J., and Brent E. Parker, eds. Progressive Covenantalism: Charting a Course Between Dispensational and Covenant Theologies. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2016, pp. 300, $25, paperback. The biblical-theological student that interacts with this book will grow in his understanding of the covenants…
Category: Old Testament
Review of From Paradise to Promised Land: An Introduction to the Pentateuch, 4th Edition by T. Desmond Alexander
Review of From Paradise to Promised Land: An Introduction to the Pentateuch, 4th Edition by T. Desmond Alexander Desmond Alexander. From Paradise to the Promised Land: An Introduction to the Pentateuch, 4th ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2022, pp. xxv + 422, $29.99. There are certain volumes which have imprinted themselves as being par excellence…
Review of Echoes of Exodus: Tracing a Biblical Motif by Bryan D. Estelle
Review of Echoes of Exodus: Tracing a Biblical Motif by Bryan D. Estelle Estelle, Bryan D. Echoes of Exodus: Tracing a Biblical Motif. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2018, pp. 351, $42, paperback. Bryan D. Estelle is professor of Old Testament at Westminster Seminary, California, where he has taught since 2000. Estelle received his doctorate…
Review of Psalms of the Faithful: Luther’s Early Reading of the Psalter in Canonical Context by Brian T. German
Review of Psalms of the Faithful: Luther’s Early Reading of the Psalter in Canonical Context by Brian T. German German, Brian T. Psalms of the Faithful: Luther’s Early Reading of the Psalter in Canonical Context. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2017, pp. 232, $24.99, paperback. In this work, Brian German presents a fresh perspective on the…
Review of Conquered Conquerors: Love and War in the Song of Songs by Danilo Verde
Review of Conquered Conquerors: Love and War in the Song of Songs by Danilo Verde Verde, Danilo. Conquered Conquerors: Love and War in the Song of Songs. Atlanta: SBL, 2020, pp. 271, $40, paperback. Danilo Verde is a postdoctoral associate with the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies in…
Review of The Calling of Eve: How the Women of the Bible Inspire the Women of the Church by Jacki C. King
Review of The Calling of Eve: How the Women of the Bible Inspire the Women of the Church by Jacki C. King King, Jacki C. The Calling of Eve: How the Women of the Bible Inspire the Women of the Church. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale Momentum, 2022, pp. 176, $16.99, hardcover. Jacki C. King holds…
Review of Old Testament Use of Old Testament: A Book-by-Book Guide by Gary E. Schnittjer
Review of Old Testament Use of Old Testament: A Book-by-Book Guide by Gary E. Schnittjer Schnittjer, Gary Edward. Old Testament Use of Old Testament: A Book-by-Book Guide. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Academic, 2021, 1098 pages, $58.00, hardcover. Gary Edward Schnittjer is the Distinguished Professor of Old Testament for Cairn University’s School of Divinity. Schnittjer received…
Review of The Book of Samuel and Its Response to Monarchy edited by Kipfer and Hutton
Review of The Book of Samuel and Its Response to Monarchy edited by Kipfer and Hutton Kipfer, Sara and Jeremy M. Hutton, eds. The Book of Samuel and Its Response to Monarchy. Stuttgard, Germany: Kohlhammer, 2021, pp. 344, hardcover, $102.00. The Book of Samuel and Its Response to Monarchy is a collection of essays presented…
Review of Creation and Christ: An Exploration of the Topic of Creation in the Epistle to the Hebrews by Angela Costley
Review of Creation and Christ: An Exploration of the Topic of Creation in the Epistle to the Hebrews by Angela Costley Costley, Angela. Creation and Christ: An Exploration of the Topic of Creation in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020, pp. 385, 94.00€, paperback. When thinking about what makes the Christology of…
Review of Now My Eyes Have Seen You: Images of Creation and Evil in the Book of Job by Robert S. Fyall
Review of Now My Eyes Have Seen You: Images of Creation and Evil in the Book of Job by Robert S. Fyall Fyall, Robert S. Now My Eyes Have Seen You: Images of Creation and Evil in the Book of Job. Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 2002. $24.00, pp. 208. A continuation of 1991 dissertation, Robert Fyall,…