Review of Hebrews, Christ, and the Law: The Theology of the Mosaic Law in Hebrews Joslin, Barry C. Hebrews, Christ, and the Law: The Theology of the Mosaic Law in Hebrews 7:1-10:18. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2009, pp. 354, $47, paperback. Engaging Joslin’s work as a student of biblical-theological studies fosters a greater awareness…
Category: Hermeneutics
Review of Dispensationalism
Review of Dispensationalism Ryrie, Charles C. Dispensationalism. Revised and Expanded.Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2007, pp. 272, $15.29, paperback. Dispensationalism is a significant work in the field of theological and hermeneutical studies. It provides a framework on how to interpret Scripture. This book is a great reference point for classical dispensationalists. Students should approach this text…
Review of The Last Days of Dispensationalism: A Scholarly Critique of Popular Misconceptions
Review of The Last Days of Dispensationalism: A Scholarly Critique of Popular Misconceptions Donaldson, Alistair W. The Last Days of Dispensationalism: A Scholarly Critique of Popular Misconceptions. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2011, pp.168, paperback. Students or theologians desiring an introductory treatise on dispensationalism will benefit from this work. Donaldson, throughout the book, takes…
Review of The Old Testament for the Life of the Church: Reading the Torah in the Light of Christ
Review of The Old Testament for the Life of the Church: Reading the Torah in the Light of Christ Averbeck, Richard. The Old Testament for the Life of the Church: Reading the Torah in the Light of Christ. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press Academic, 2022, 382, $35.26, paperback. Averbeck presents a very helpful resource, especially in…
Review of Progressive Covenantalism: Charting a Course Between Dispensational and Covenant Theologies
Review of Progressive Covenantalism: Charting a Course Between Dispensational and Covenant Theologies Wellum, Stephen J., and Brent E. Parker, eds. Progressive Covenantalism: Charting a Course Between Dispensational and Covenant Theologies. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2016, pp. 300, $25, paperback. The biblical-theological student that interacts with this book will grow in his understanding of the covenants…
Review of A Primer on Biblical Literacy by Marsh
Review of A Primer on Biblical Literacy by Marsh Marsh, Cory M. A Primer on Biblical Literacy. El Cajon, CA: Southern California Seminary Press, 2022, pp.130, $12.99, paperback. A Primer on Biblical Literacy is just as the title describes, a short introduction to the far-reaching topics of biblical research, interpretation, and application. Marsh accomplishes his…
Review of New Covenant Theology: Description, Definition, Defense by Wells and Zaspel
Review of New Covenant Theology: Description, Definition, Defense by Wells and Zaspel Wells, Tom, and Fred G. Zaspel. New Covenant Theology: Description, Definition, Defense. Frederick, MD: New Covenant Media, 2002, $79.99. Paperback. How one puts together the Old and New Testaments is a massive conversation. Does one emphasize continuity or discontinuity between the testaments? How…
Review of Psalms of the Faithful: Luther’s Early Reading of the Psalter in Canonical Context by Brian T. German
Review of Psalms of the Faithful: Luther’s Early Reading of the Psalter in Canonical Context by Brian T. German German, Brian T. Psalms of the Faithful: Luther’s Early Reading of the Psalter in Canonical Context. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2017, pp. 232, $24.99, paperback. In this work, Brian German presents a fresh perspective on the…
Review of Old Testament Use of Old Testament: A Book-by-Book Guide by Gary E. Schnittjer
Review of Old Testament Use of Old Testament: A Book-by-Book Guide by Gary E. Schnittjer Schnittjer, Gary Edward. Old Testament Use of Old Testament: A Book-by-Book Guide. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Academic, 2021, 1098 pages, $58.00, hardcover. Gary Edward Schnittjer is the Distinguished Professor of Old Testament for Cairn University’s School of Divinity. Schnittjer received…
Review of Baptism: Zwingli or the Bible? by Jack Cottrell
Review of Baptism: Zwingli or the Bible? by Jack Cottrell Cottrell, Jack. Baptism: Zwingli or the Bible? Mason, OH: The Christian Restoration Association, 2022, 163pp, $14.99, paperback. Jack Cottrell, arguably the most prolific writer and influential theologian of the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, tackles the topic of baptism in yet another accessible book, Baptism: Zwingli…