Review of Hebrews, Christ, and the Law: The Theology of the Mosaic Law in Hebrews

Review of Hebrews, Christ, and the Law: The Theology of the Mosaic Law in Hebrews Joslin, Barry C. Hebrews, Christ, and the Law: The Theology of the Mosaic Law in Hebrews 7:1-10:18. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2009, pp. 354, $47, paperback. Engaging Joslin’s work as a student of biblical-theological studies fosters a greater awareness…

Review of Dispensationalism

Review of Dispensationalism Ryrie, Charles C. Dispensationalism. Revised and Expanded.Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2007, pp. 272, $15.29, paperback. Dispensationalism is a significant work in the field of theological and hermeneutical studies. It provides a framework on how to interpret Scripture. This book is a great reference point for classical dispensationalists. Students should approach this text…

Review of The Last Days of Dispensationalism: A Scholarly Critique of Popular Misconceptions

Review of The Last Days of Dispensationalism: A Scholarly Critique of Popular Misconceptions Donaldson, Alistair W. The Last Days of Dispensationalism: A Scholarly Critique of Popular Misconceptions. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2011, pp.168, paperback. Students or theologians desiring an introductory treatise on dispensationalism will benefit from this work. Donaldson, throughout the book, takes…

Review of Progressive Covenantalism: Charting a Course Between Dispensational and Covenant Theologies

Review of Progressive Covenantalism: Charting a Course Between Dispensational and Covenant Theologies Wellum, Stephen J., and Brent E. Parker, eds. Progressive Covenantalism: Charting a Course Between Dispensational and Covenant Theologies. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2016, pp. 300, $25, paperback. The biblical-theological student that interacts with this book will grow in his understanding of the covenants…

Review of A Primer on Biblical Literacy by Marsh

Review of A Primer on Biblical Literacy by Marsh Marsh, Cory M. A Primer on Biblical Literacy. El Cajon, CA: Southern California Seminary Press, 2022, pp.130, $12.99, paperback. A Primer on Biblical Literacy is just as the title describes, a short introduction to the far-reaching topics of biblical research, interpretation, and application. Marsh accomplishes his…

Review of New Covenant Theology: Description, Definition, Defense by Wells and Zaspel

Review of New Covenant Theology: Description, Definition, Defense by Wells and Zaspel Wells, Tom, and Fred G. Zaspel. New Covenant Theology: Description, Definition, Defense. Frederick, MD: New Covenant Media, 2002, $79.99. Paperback. How one puts together the Old and New Testaments is a massive conversation. Does one emphasize continuity or discontinuity between the testaments? How…

Review of Old Testament Use of Old Testament: A Book-by-Book Guide by Gary E. Schnittjer

Review of Old Testament Use of Old Testament: A Book-by-Book Guide by Gary E. Schnittjer Schnittjer, Gary Edward. Old Testament Use of Old Testament: A Book-by-Book Guide. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Academic, 2021, 1098 pages, $58.00, hardcover. Gary Edward Schnittjer is the Distinguished Professor of Old Testament for Cairn University’s School of Divinity. Schnittjer received…

Review of Baptism: Zwingli or the Bible? by Jack Cottrell

Review of Baptism: Zwingli or the Bible? by Jack Cottrell Cottrell, Jack. Baptism: Zwingli or the Bible? Mason, OH: The Christian Restoration Association, 2022, 163pp, $14.99, paperback. Jack Cottrell, arguably the most prolific writer and influential theologian of the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, tackles the topic of baptism in yet another accessible book, Baptism: Zwingli…