Review of Christian Philosophy as a Way of Life

Review of Christian Philosophy as a Way of Life Inman, Ross. Christian Philosophy as a Way of Life. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2023, pp.192, $23.99, paperback. No matter one’s vocation in God’s kingdom, the importance of thoughtful reflection on the matters raised here is inevitably significant for all of us. Insofar as we seek to…

Review of Rethinking the Filioque with the Greek Fathers

Review of Rethinking the Filioque with the Greek Fathers Maspero, Giulio. Rethinking the Filioque with the Greek Fathers. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2023. PP. xii, 314, $41.79 (hardcover) This book is an exceptional contribution to the ecumenical dialogue, a step toward mutual understanding. I recommend this book for systematic theology students…

Review of Metaphysics and Gender: The Normative Art of Nature and Its Human Imitations

Review of Metaphysics and Gender: The Normative Art of Nature and Its Human Imitations Schumacher, Michele M. Metaphysics and Gender: The Normative Art of Nature and Its Human Imitations. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Academic, 2023, pp.193, $29.95, hardback. With succinctness and clarity, Schumacher provides a history of the transgender/gender ideology movement, masterfully traces the influence of…

Review of The Trinitarian Christology of St Thomas Aquinas

Review of The Trinitarian Christology of St Thomas Aquinas Legge, O.P., Dominic. The Trinitarian Christology of St Thomas Aquinas. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2017, pp. 261, $27.99, paperback. The Trinitarian Christology of St Thomas Aquinas is a work that reorients modern scholarship’s approach to understanding how Aquinas’s Christology is intrinsically Trinitarian. Dominic Legge, O.P….

Review of A Survey of the Black Church in America

Review of A Survey of the Black Church in America Evans, Tony. A Survey of the Black Church in America: Exploring Its History, Ministry, and Unique Strengths. Chicago, IL: Moody, 2023, pp. 236, $14.99, paperback. For the current climate of racial tension in the United States, Evans provides a kingdom-focused perspective that appeals to people…

Review of Brill’s Encyclopedia of Global Pentecostalism

Review of Brill’s Encyclopedia of Global Pentecostalism Wilkinson, Michael. Brill’s Encyclopedia of Global Pentecostalism. Leiden: Brill, 2021, pp. 810, $295, hardback. Overall, Brill’s Encyclopedia of Global Pentecostalism will make a meaningful addition to the reference section of seminary and university libraries. The resource will be highly beneficial for professors and students desiring to get a more…

Review of The Invention of the Inspired Text

Review of The Invention of the Inspired Text Poirier, John C. The Invention of the Inspired Text: Philological Windows on the Theopneustia of Scripture. New York, NY: T&T Clark, 2022, pp. xvi + 249, $39.95, paperback. While Poirier’s book is written for scholars, his argument is sure to gain greater attention beyond the academy. His…

Review of The Transformational Role of Discipleship in Mark 10:13–16

Review of The Transformational Role of Discipleship in Mark 10:13–16 Timpte, Katherine Joy Kihlstrom. The Transformational Role of Discipleship in Mark 10:13–16: Passage towards Childhood. New York: T&T Clark, Bloomsbury, 2023, 176, $39.95, Paperback. This book adequately engages modern scholarship and provides an extensive study that grants a fresh perspective on Mark’s narrative. While the…