Philemon: Signed, Sealed, and Delivered by David Seal

Philemon: Signed, Sealed, and Delivered by David Seal Philemon: Signed, Sealed, and Delivered David Seal David Seal (PhD, Regent University) is adjunct professor at Cornerstone Universityin Grand Rapids, Michigan. He also teaches Bible and World Religions at LansingCommunity College in Lansing, Michigan. David has recently written Prayeras Divine Experience in 4 Ezra and John’s Apocalypse:…

Christocentric Letters: Christology in the Greetings of Ignatius’s Romans by Jonathon Lookadoo

Christocentric Letters: Christology in the Greetings of Ignatius’s Romans by Jonathon Lookadoo Christocentric Letters: Christology in the Greetings of Ignatius’s Romans Jonathon Lookadoo Jonathon Lookadoo (Ph.D. University of Otago) is Assistant Professor atPresbyterian University and Theological Seminary, Seoul, South Korea. Abstract: This article examines the role of Jesus in the greetings of Ignatius of Antioch’s…

Eschatological Emphases in 1 Thessalonians and Galatians: Distinct Argumentative Strategies Related to External Conflict and Audience Response by John Anthony Dunne

Eschatological Emphases in 1 Thessalonians and Galatians: Distinct Argumentative Strategies Related to External Conflict and Audience Response by John Anthony Dunne Eschatological Emphases in 1 Thessalonians and Galatians: Distinct Argumentative Strategies Related to External Conflict and Audience Response John Anthony Dunne John Anthony Dunne (PhD, University of St. Andrews) is assistant professor of New Testament…

The Care of Souls: John Calvin’s Shepherding Ministry by Marcus J. Serven

The Care of Souls: John Calvin’s Shepherding Ministry by Marcus J. Serven The Care of Souls: John Calvin’s Shepherding MinistryMarcus J. ServenMarcus J. Serven (Th.M, D.Min., Covenant Theological Seminary) retired in 2016after serving for nearly thirty-seven years in full-time pastoral ministry. PastorServen ministered at congregations within several Presbyterian denominations, andhe is currently a member of…

Toward a Theology of Pastoral Care in a Missional Mode by Andrew Zantingh

Toward a Theology of Pastoral Care in a Missional Mode by Andrew Zantingh Toward a Theology of Pastoral Care in a Missional Mode Andrew Zantingh Andrew Zantingh is a graduate of Calvin Theological Seminary and serves asProfessor of Congregational Theology at Missional Training Center, Phoenix,and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church in Kitchener, Ontatrio, Canada….

Pastoral Theology in a Missional Mode by Michael W. Goheen

Pastoral Theology in a Missional Mode by Michael W. Goheen Pastoral Theology in a Missional Mode Michael W. Goheen Michael Goheen (Ph.D. Utrecht) is Professor and Director of Theological Education at Missional Training Center, Phoenix and professor of missional theology at Covenant Theological Seminary, St Louis, Missouri. Abstract: In this article I argue for the…

Pastor-Scholar: The Pastor Theologian and Scholarship by Douglas Estes

Pastor-Scholar: The Pastor Theologian and Scholarship by Douglas Estes Pastor-Scholar: The Pastor Theologian and Scholarship Douglas Estes Douglas Estes (PhD, University of Nottingham) is Assistant Professor of New Testament and Practical Theology and director of the DMin Program at South University in Columbia, South Carolina. Prior to this appointment, he served as a pastor for…