The books reviewed by JBTS are intentionally selected. Priority is given to books that will be helpful for students in the area of Bible, theology, philosophy, and ministry.
If you are a scholar who is interested in reviewing a book, please submit a request by emailing the respective book review editor:
- Historical Theology: Chad Brand
- History of Christianity: TBA
- Christianity and Culture: Rodolfo Estrada
- Ministry and Pastoral Theology: Adam Wyatt
- New Testament: Luke Hoselton
- Old Testament: Nicholas Majors
- Bible: Ross Harmon
- Philosophy, Ethics, and Apologetics: Roger Turner
- Philosophy of Religion and Analytic Theology: Derek King
- Systematic and Philosophical Theology: Parker Haratine
- For general inquiries, contact the JBTS office.
Unsolicited reviews will be considered, but it is preferable that you contact the book review editor before submission.
Reviewers must minimally be students working within a terminal degree (PhD, DMin, etc.).
Please use the template on this page to complete your book reviews:
Submission guidelines to JBTS for book reviews:
- Book reviews should generally be between 800-1,200 words in length. This can be lengthened in certain cases if approved by the book review editor. A review/interaction with a major work in the field may warrant a review article (this must be approved by the editorial board).
- Book reviews should not contain footnotes and should note the page(s) that is/are being quoted or referenced in parentheses.
- Bibliographic information for the book being reviewed should be stated at the beginning of the review in the following format.
Author’s Last Name, Author’s First Name. Book Title. Publication City, State: Publisher, Date, pages, price, format.
Example: Schreiner, Thomas R. New Testament Theology: Magnifying God in Christ. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008, pp. 990, $50, hardback.
- The review should begin with a short introduction of the author.
- Then give a brief summary of the work being reviewed. This should comprise no more than a third of the review.
- The major part of the review should consist of an evaluation of the work. Be sure to interact with the main ideas of the book.
- The review should conclude by giving a discussion of how the student of biblical and theological studies should interact with this book. Give a brief discussion of things like the book’s place in the field, why the ideas of the book are important, the intended audience of the book, and what this book will help the student understand about the subject matter contained in the book being reviewed. If a less technical book is being reviewed discuss whether this book will give the student a good start on the study of a topic or if there is a better book in the field for that. If a more technical book is being reviewed discuss some of the main points that the student should look for within the book and what the student needs to know to begin to interact with the material in the book being reviewed.
- At the end of the review give your name and the institution that you are associated with.
Generally books being reviewed will be recent publications (within the last few years). Exceptions will be made for books that have been important for a particular field of study.
Book reviews are due within 90 days of receiving the book from the book review editor (exceptions can be made to this and worked out with the book review editor you are working with).