Due to the popularity of the journal the next few years of issues are already set. We are currently not accepting unsolicited manuscripts for general issues at this time. Please check back for updates.

Please also see the Future Issues page for possible submission opportunities within specific topics.

Submissions should conform to the following guidelines:

  • All submissions should follow the style found in the Turabian manual for writers
  • Hebrew and Greek fonts should be SBL unicode fonts: http://www.sbl-site.org/educational/biblicalfonts.aspx
  • All Hebrew and Greek should also be transliterated and translated.
  • Submissions should be submitted via Microsoft Word.
  • Citations should be footnoted except biblical references and primary sources.
  • Submissions should contain an abstract of 150-250 words at the beginning of the work. There should also be a list of 4-6 key words.
  • Submissions should generally be between 3,000-7,000 words and should be written clearly and concisely.

The selection process is comprised of the following components:

  1. Once the submission is received by the managing editor, it is forwarded to the associate editor, who will do an initial check of the submission, and then forward the submission (without the author’s name/institution) to two or three peer reviewers in the field that corresponds to the submission’s topic/content matter.
  2. The peer reviewers will review the entry and give feedback within five or six weeks of receiving the submission.
  3. The peer reviewers will make one of four recommendations: 1) Do not publish; 2) Revise and resubmit; 3) Publish, but with recommended substantial changes/additional research; 4) Publish with light changes to style and grammar.
  4. Once the associate editor receives the recommendations from the reviewers, they (or the managing editor, in some cases) will contact the author of the submission and notify them of the decision on their article and discuss possible future steps if applicable.

For an example of the quality of work, clarity of writing, and engagement with scholarship that we are looking for in a journal submission please see the article by Aaron O’Kelley found in the first issue of the journal entitled “Paul’s Doctrine of Justification: Ecclesiology or Soteriology?”