Preaching Psalm 46 to the People of God Today by Jonathan Master

Preaching Psalm 46 to the People of God Today

Jonathan Master

Jonathan Master (PhD University of Aberdeen) is professor of theology and dean of the School of Divinity at Cairn University in Langhorne, PA.

Abstract: The preached word is the means that God has ordained for both the evangelization of the nations and for the building up of the church. As evangelicals, we are committed to the fact that all of scripture is inspired and profitable for the people of God: therefore, all scripture must be preached—including the Psalms. In Part 1, I present four recommendations for preaching Psalm 46 today. Each of these recommendations supplement the preacher’s regular homiletic preparation. These recommendations are intended to remind preachers of certain features of the Psalms in general and of this psalm in particular. In Part II, I present an example sermon,
considering each of these guidelines.
Key Words: Psalms, preaching the Psalms, Martin Luther, Reformation preaching