A Rose is Not Just a Rose: Re-integrating Faith with Learning in the Post-Christian Academy by Peter Rasor

A Rose is Not Just a Rose: Re-integrating Faith with Learning in the Post-Christian Academy [1]

Peter Rasor

Peter Rasor (PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is Senior Pastor at Lilburn Christian Church in Lilburn, GA and serves as Adjunct Professor in Philosophy at Grand Canyon University


Abstract: The integration of the Christian faith with learning has been a subject of discussion in Christian higher education for several decades. One pressing question is exactly how to accomplish this integration in every discipline of the Christian university, from the humanities to the sciences. This has proven to be somewhat difficult. A primary reason for this difficulty is due to the acceptance of what George Marsden calls “methodological secularism.” This paper offers four suggestions for overcoming methodological secularism seemingly entrenched in Christian universities in order to integrate successfully Christian faith with learning across all disciplines.

Read the full article: A Rose is Not Just a Rose: Re-integrating Faith with Learning in the Post-Christian Academy

[1] The phrase “a rose is not just a rose” is taken from Arthur Holmes, Building the Christian Academy (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2001), 44. Emphasis added.