JBTS 6.1 Full Issue

Part 1 The ‘Christus Odium’ Variety of Penal Substitution in Contemporary Perspective
- The ‘Christus Odium’ Variety of Penal Substitution in Contemporary Perspective: A Brief Editorial Introduction by Ryan A. Brandt
- Which Penalty? Whose Atonement? Revisiting Christus Odium by Joshua R. Farris and S. Mark Hamilton
- A Less Odious Atonement Requires a More Classical God: Engaging Farris and Hamilton on Christus Odium by Derek Rishmawy
- It Was the Will of the Father to Crush Him: The Day of Atonement and the Cross of Christ by Owen Strachan
- The Father’s Love for the Son in Penal Substitutionary Atonement by Ryan Rippee
- Performing the Surgery, Saving the Patient: Reduplication, Proper Christological Predication, and Critiques of Christus Odium by Ty Kieser
Part 2 Open Articles
- Understanding and Applying Exodus 19:4-6: A Case Study in Exegesis and Theology by Jason S. DeRouchie
- The Trouble with Inferring Divine Punishment: A Response to James S. Spiegel by Gregory L. Bock
- A Reply to Gregory Bock by James S. Spiegel
- Papal Bull: A Response to Contemporary Papal Scholarship by Tyler Dalton McNabb
- The Beginning of Days: A Response to Jeremy Lyon’s “Genesis 1:1-3 and the Literary Boundary of Day One by John B. Carpenter
- The Growing Tree of the Global Church: Review Article of Robert F. Rea and Steven D. Cone, A Global Church History: The Great Tradition Through Cultures, Continents, and Centuries (London: T. & T Clark Bloomsbury, 2019), pp. xxviii + 847 by Michael McClymond
- Book Reviews