Current Issues in Pastoral Theology: An Editorial Introduction by Justin L. McLendon

Current Issues in Pastoral Theology: An Editorial Introduction

Justin L. McLendon, Executive Editor Of Special Issue
Justin teaches full-time at Grand Canyon University and is a Managing Editor of JBTS

This special issue of the Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies features articles exploring current issues in pastoral theology. The articles within this issue address academic and ecclesial concerns across the evangelical spectrum. In keeping with the mission of JBTS—to relay content that is original and yet accessible—this issue
contains articles uniquely formulated to speak to seminary students, busy ministers, and scholars academically engaged in the broad field of pastoral theology. This issue includes an even selection of articles from scholars working within various academic institutions, in addition to articles from pastors engaged in the trenches
of everyday pastoral ministry. In sum, this issue offers a distinct set of voices from varied backgrounds, ministry methodologies, and denominational alliances.